The Cosmic Laugh

This world is a place of wonder and strange happenings.
It's always funny (and sometimes magic) to me when things coincidentally line up.
More often than not, the "meaning" behind a particular painting of ours can be an absolute mystery to us. It isn't always something preconceived or very well planned out. Generally speaking, the creativity just sort of flows right through us.

Personally, I usually find the most in depth philosophy behind each piece to come from the viewer. I used to make jewelry and every piece was unique unto itself. I always felt that I was making the piece for someone special who would one day find it. I believed it was meant for them. Creating art often has a similar ring. It's wild to see the ways that art really connects to peoples stories and to their souls. I love that.

This is one of those pieces... 
As it turns out, a reoccurring dream that lots of folks experience is one wherein a fox is pointing and laughing at them. This was a fun topic to explore at the last festival that we vended, where our wonderful neighbor who practices dream interpretations shed let on this knowledge moments later we had a visitor that shared their laughing fox dream.  



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